Tag Archives: beirut

“est-ce k’il croyait vraiment k’il en avait le droit? est-ce k’il me croyait une propriete?”

j n jamais pris ma plume avec tant d’amertume ,de peine mais avec tant de bravade k’aujourd’hui …. c pa une seule situation ,mais en somme j aboutis a une conclusion ke tt homme de tt age est pervert, y en a le grand,le prof, le “tre tre” bien educe….

N’OUBLIONS PA LE PSYCHIATRE pr l’amour de Dieu !!! NOUS vivons ds un monde d’hypochrisme ,des gens malades … je suis une simple, jeune fille, et juste pr clarifier shui” w bel 3arabe ktir mohafiza ,honnete, bien educee ,réservée de plus ..mais ca n’a nul empecher les ho malades k’ils soient des enseignants universitaire (recement), les “2arayeb” et c’est là que le bât blesse! peut etre ke j pa raconter les histoires,mais ke puis j dire ??!!!

Le prof ki a refuse d me mettre une bonne note parceke j pa passer le voir ds son bureau (malgre ke j’etais excellente )?? Le psychiatre de l’uni ki me taquinait a chak fois k’il pouvait,ss oublier surtt sa voix degoutante, ses”3azeyem”, le fait de changer ses paroles si qq’un arrive..

Le bien educe ki a trouve ke c’etait drole d me faire du bleu ( j’avais aucune idee k’il y avait une telle expression ou acte ) ke dire de “l’arayeb ” ki etais tellement malade de molester une fille de 14 ans ,est-ce ds le but de haiir ts les hommes d la terre ?est-ce k’il croyait vraiment k’il en avait le droit?est-ce k’il me croyait une propriete? est-ce ke c la peine de meme en parler dessus

………il n’arretrons jamais ,mais remercions Dieu shui forte j d la foie ,ke Dieu m’assiste et ttes les filles partt ds ce monde !!!!!!!!

Submitted by Anonymous

Location: j me souviens plu, ou plutot au liban c commun, donc c pa la peine de specifier…

Time of harassment: 10-16: Daytime / عز النهار

Do you have a personal experience with sexual harassment or assault you would like to share? Please click here and fill out the online submission form. All submissions are posted anonymously unless you specify.

هل لديك تجربة شخصية مع التحرش الجنسي أو الاعتداء تريد مشاركته ؟ الرجاء الضغط هنا وملء استمارة التقديم على الانترنت. وتنشر جميع التقارير مجهول ما لم تحدد

“We can’t be living in a country where it is acceptable for men to do whatever they want to women. We should value ourselves more.”

I was walking to university with my friend. Suddenly i see a very big and tall man leaning over me. He whispered in my ear how he wanted to fondle my breasts and then pinched my butt. I froze because i was so shocked.

My friend pulled my hand and we ran together to the university gate. There were many people on the street. Also, three girls were staring at us in shock. This is one of the few incidents i have encountered.

When i lived in makdisi street,the same men use to shout out the same vulgar remarks everyday. Surprisingly, the darak were the ones that use to harass me the most.

I went to university in beirut and in kaslik. In both universities many professors have the habit of obscenely checking me and other girls out. Last week i was talking to my professor. He is fifty and is married with two kids. While i was talking to him he was staring at my breasts and then cut me off and walked away. I didn’t say anything because i did not want to upset him. Upsetting him might make him fail me. . .

I reached a point were i got used to this behaviour since it is so common and no one will hold them accountable. This is very bad. Something should be done to limit harassment. We can’t be living in a country where it is acceptable for men to do whatever they want to women. We should value ourselves more.

Submitted by Anonymous

Location: Hamra & Kaslik

Time of harassment: 10-16: Daytime / عز النهار

Do you have a personal experience with sexual harassment or assault you would like to share? Please click here and fill out the online submission form. All submissions are posted anonymously unless you specify.

هل لديك تجربة شخصية مع التحرش الجنسي أو الاعتداء تريد مشاركته ؟ الرجاء الضغط هنا وملء استمارة التقديم على الانترنت. وتنشر جميع التقارير مجهول ما لم تحدد


I was on my way from the bus station to my house in maarad street, and i was back from a long training day at 8pm! i was walking on the side walk and i heard the voice of a motorcycle coming near by, i got scared but i didnt picture it might actually happen but it did! he touched me! he actually w bkel wa2aha puts his hand on my ass!

and at zat minute my head spinned! i couldnt believe wat was happening and i started screaming and crying like a mad person!! he ran away!

1- why the hell arent there any lights on the streett!!!

2- why the hell arent there any policemen to protect us at night!

3- why the hell cant i just go home peacefully after a long day of work!!

4- why the hell Motorcycles are allowed to drive on the side walk!

5- why motorcycles arent bannedd!! IT IS A MUST! BAN MOTORCYCLES!


7- why nothing is being done about this! why can they just go unpunished! WHO TO TALK TO! WAT TO DO! HOW TO STOP thiss!!!!

Submitted by Sara.A

Location: Maarad

Time of harassment:  20-2: Night / الليل

Do you have a personal experience with sexual harassment or assault you would like to share? Please click here and fill out the online submission form. All submissions are posted anonymously unless you specify.

هل لديك تجربة شخصية مع التحرش الجنسي أو الاعتداء تريد مشاركته ؟ الرجاء الضغط هنا وملء استمارة التقديم على الانترنت. وتنشر جميع التقارير مجهول ما لم تحدده

“Since when is a violent threat a segway into sex?”

It all started in the early morning once we left an after party. My girl friend met a guy that took us out with his friend to dance until sunrise. My friend was quite drunk and got into a ‘playful’ face-slapping ‘game’ with her date’s friend. A few minutes after this ‘game’ ended, he gave her another slap, a bit harder. I reacted.

With poor judgment, I slapped him right back across the face and told him never to touch her in the face again. He was aghast. Angry and defensive, he refused to apologize and excused his behavior as a joke. I eventually apologized for the act of slapping him (as I am a proponent of non-violence except in defense), but continued to explain why this is an unacceptable act- slapping anyone in the face- whether you’re kidding or not.

He proceeded to call me a bitch and threaten me about getting slapped in return.

A few weeks later, this guy happens to arrive at the bar I’m in. He greets some people, and proceeds to me. He has a smirk on his face and he greets me with: “Oh, the feminist.” After almost a month has transpired, his ego is still shrunken from our incident.

He tells me I’m going to get slapped and is very confident and proud of his threat. He then tries to converse with me, and actually chats with my friend. She denounces his threats and inquires whether he is serious. Does he really plan to slap me? He laughs. He tells us both that he is not “angry.” Not angry at all.

Instead, he is attracted to me and, when he says he will slap me, he means in bed. He wants to ‘hurt’ me. He wants to ‘teach’ me.

This happened a few weeks ago and I am still aghast at the intersection of sex, violence, power and patriarchy as they developed in this situation. Since when is a violent threat a segway into sex? How is it that this man found it was appropriate to, essentially, threaten me with rape? And publicly no less!

It’s because sex, in this case and in many, is not about pleasure. Rather, in these cases, it is about power and dominance. Although the situation did not begin with conventional forms of sexual harassment as we often define it, our second encounter commenced in sexual harassment and the threat of sexual assault.

The juncture of eroticism and violence is truly, deeply disturbing. And all from a man who swears he marched along with us during the anti-violence demo in June. From a man who ‘believes’ women should have equal rights. A man who considers himself progressive. A man who finds these values and attributes completely in line with his threat of sexual violence.

Submitted by ART

Location: Hamra & Karantina

Time of harassment:  2-6: Late Night / ما بعد منتصف الليل

Do you have a personal experience with sexual harassment or assault you would like to share? Please click here and fill out the online submission form. All submissions are posted anonymously unless you specify.

هل لديك تجربة شخصية مع التحرش الجنسي أو الاعتداء تريد مشاركته ؟ الرجاء الضغط هنا وملء استمارة التقديم على الانترنت. وتنشر جميع التقارير مجهول ما لم تحدده

مسبح الرياضي: عنصريين ومتحرشين جنسيا

الحادثة التي سأقصّها عليكم حدثت في صيف عام ٢٠٠٩
لكن هذا لا يعني أنها لم تحدث على مدى العامين المنصرمين
وهنا يتمحور ندمي الشديد وحمرنتي المقمعة في عدم نشر هذه الحادثة سابقا

الحادثة تبدأ بزيارة صديقتي الإيرلندية “روزان” إلى لبنان آتية من بريطانيا
هذا بعدما كان قد طلع الشعر على لساني وأنا أحدثها عن لبنان
وجمال لبنان، وروعة لبنان، وطقس لبنان، وقرب الجبل من الشاطىء في لبنان، ولزة أهل لبنان،والأكل في لبنان

فإما شعرت روزان أن لا بد ولامهرب لها إلا زيارة هذا المكان،
أو ربما لتخرسني – في الحالتين
جاءت  وبحقيبتها أمال عالية – هاي هوبس أوروبية
فأمضينا أسبوع رائع بين البحر والجبل والنهر والسهل والسهر
حتى بانت علامات السعادة على وجهها
وفي اليوم السابع  توجهنا إلى مسبح الرياضي في بيروت

وهنا تبدأ القصة

تسبحنا، أكلنا ، تمددنا في الشمس وقرأنا
قالت لي روزان أنني كنت محقا عن لبنان وجماله. فرحت وسعدت
قالت لي أنها توّد تعلم الغطس في لبنان
قلت لها “إيزي” سأسأل عند المدخل إذا كان لديهم غطاس
وتوجهت مع وجهي إلى المدخل
وسألت الرجل الأسمر العجوز
فقال لي: نعم عنا أحلى وأشطر غطاس
قلت له: روعة
أعطاني كرت الغطاس: بسام بقيلي – إحفظوا الإسم جيدا
وعدت مغتبطا إلى روزان مع هدية غطس

كلّمت بسام تلقائيا، فقال لي أنه يمارس الغطس وتعليمه من ثلاثين سنة
إتفقنا على موعد لبدء الدروس

حضرت في الموعد المحدد بعد بضعة أيام برفقة روزان
كانت  هي تطير وتحط من الفرح والحماس
طمأنني بسام بقيلي وهو رجل في الأربعة وستين من عمره،  أن كل شيء سيكون على ما يرام،
وأن دورة الغطس ستستمر خمسة أيام وستحصل روزان على شهادة مصدقة من أميركا  في نهايتها
دفعت له 300 دولار وتركت روزان معه لتتعلم الغطس
شكرني  وطمأنني مرة أخرى  على الطريقة اللبنانية قائلا: مثل إبني إنت، من عيوني، روح ومايكنلك فكر


غطست روزان كل النهار
وفي العصر ذهبت لإحضارها لم أجدها، سألت عنها في المسبح قالوا لي أنها غادرت
إتصلت ببسام قال لي أنه غادر المسبح وروزان غادرت قبله
بدأ الخوف يعتريني، لكن سرعان ما بانت روزان أمامي بوجهها البشوش وبددت كل الخوف
بعدما كانت قد غطست وشاهدت الغروب مع فنجان قهوة في مقهى الروضة
لم أخبرها أنني ذعرت عليها، تركتها فرحة وبلعت غضبي
في اليوم الثاني عدنا إلى الرياضي، و
كما اليوم الأول تركت روزان لتغطس


عند الساعة الرابعة يدّق تلفوني، إنه بسام، روزان في مقهى الكوستا في الحمرا، قال لي
وحضرت إلى كوستا، روزان جالسة وحيدة
وجهها حزين، وعيونها تحبس دموعها
سألتها ما القصة؟ لم تجب
أعدت السؤال مرارا، لم تجب
سألتها لماذا لم تنتظرني في الرياضي، لم تجب

أهو بسام؟

تطلعت هي أرضا وتركت دموعها تروي بلاطات الرصيف
لم تقل شيئا، سكتت،
غمرتها غمرة طويلة
وتركت في أذنها بعضا من عبرات الحب
حتى هدأت قليلا وروت لي ما حصل

قبل أول غطسة صباحية كان بسام ودودا، وعد روزان بغطسة في البحر ورؤية أكواخ الروشة إذا ما تنفست صحيحا

المصدر: Thuraya and the Terrorist Donkey

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“7terim 7alak law samahet” and DON’T TOUCH ME

I’m a girl who usually never gets back home before 9-10 PM since I sometimes finish university that late, or I just decide to hang out with my friends in the afternoon. Every time I go back home by bus or by cab at a late hour (sometimes at 11) and never faced any kind of harassment (weird, right?)

By that day was different, it was DAYTIME, it was around 11-12 in the morning. I was going back home from my university early because I was sick and decided to skip few of my late classes. I sat in the bus, and then sat right next to me an old man, maybe in his 60’s. I started feeling his leg next to mine, I said it’s ok, he’s an old ‘fat’ man and the seats on the bus are very tiny. So I ignored it.

But then, the asshole placed his hand on my leg, OH NO, HE CROSSED THE RED LINE THIS TIME!! I was looking outside the window at that time, so I turned around, faced him, gave him a ‘chil idak ya ***’-look, and the son of a bitch looks at me and winks, l wa27ane ma 2ela 7doud bhal balad.

Toli3 Halib El-Nawar, but still I respected the people in the bus since there were many children and didn’t want them to hear their first curse word from me, so I just told him “hterim halak law samahet” but in a ‘if you don’t remove your hand, I’m gonna shove it up your ass mother fucker’-tone..

After hearing my words, he was shocked (ba3ed na2is, elo 3ein??). He grabbed his stuff and stopped the bus driver, and got down. It felt good, even tho I wanted to break his fingers, and trust me, I would have done that if he were a little younger than my grandfather!!

Submitted by Red Light

Location: Bus #2, Near Sodeco, Beirut

Time of harassment: 10-16: Daytime / عز النهار

Do you have a personal experience with sexual harassment or assault you would like to share? Please click here and fill out the online submission form. All submissions are posted anonymously unless you specify.

هل لديك تجربة شخصية مع التحرش الجنسي أو الاعتداء تريد مشاركته ؟ الرجاء الضغط هنا وملء استمارة التقديم على الانترنت. وتنشر جميع التقارير مجهول ما لم تحدده

My Dad’s friend molested me, and I was silent. But I REFUSE to be silent anymore!

I was almost 16. I needed help for my physics class since I was not understanding a basic concept. A friend of my dad volunteered, he is a physics teacher in some school. He sat next to me on the dining room table and started explaining whatever while my parents were sitting on the couch, not more then 10 meters further.

Some time later, I felt heat on my tights. At first, I was wondering what the hell was that. I think it was the shock, it took me some time to realize. I jumped and told him to fuck off and not to make me see his face. He was like: you are the age of my daughter, i only meant it in a friendly way! This is how I treat my daughter.

I just hope he did not really meant it, that it was a sentence he uttered to make me calm down! I made sure my parents did not notice a thing. It did not stop here: a few days later, he gave me a call: – “hi 3ammo, I wanna pass by for coffee” – “no, no one is home” -“i know, I want to see you” – “i don’t think so” A few min later, he starts knocking on the door. I lock it and tell him to stay away. I felt terrified and started crying.

I would try not to bump into him, but every time I did he kept on trying to talk to me, saying things like: “you look gorgeous”, or “nice new perfume”. It was gross!! He got his son one day and was like: look he is your age! So what if your son is my age!!??? really!!

Six weeks back, he came back with his son. He wanted to introduce me to him. As if I will ever consider even talking to someone related to him. And his actions, as if he was just some random person who can act normally around me drives me crazy! How does he even think it is appropriate to try and talk to me?

Every day, I regret that I did not talk. I heard the school complained about him. I can’t say this experience traumatized me, but I think how many girls did my silence affect? If he tried to touch me, he definitely tried to touch tons of other girls! What kills me is that my silence kept people in the dark about who he really is, people who helped him keep his job next to teenage girls.

My silence also allowed him to come back, and back, and back until now 12 years later. My silence allowed him to think it was ok. My silence allowed him to think that he can get away. My silence allowed him to think he can act normally around me. But that is not ok.

He must feel the wrong of his actions. And be stopped. And why did I not talk. Even at 16 I had a strong personality, I was comfortable with my body and knew that sexuality was ok, I knew that if someone touches me it is not because of me but him, I knew he was wrong and I have nothing to feel guilty about.

And I shut up! My mum felt something was wrong and asked me if he did something inappropriate. And I shut up! Truth is, when that happened, I was very much aware of issues of sexual harassment because my neighbor was touched by her brother’s friend, in her house too. I knew it was wrong, and I shut up!

If I did not talk, how to expect anyone to? And why did I not talk? It was about me not daring to challenge the system. Not daring to tell my parents something that will deeply hurt them. Especially in a conservative society that puts so much importance on so called ‘bodily integrity’.

To all the other girls: speak up because speaking up can change things. I have a friend who says that speaking about controversial issues is not a good idea because you can’t change the world. It can’t change the world but in the case of that 3ammo I could have changed a few things thing. I could have had him stop. And it would have made a difference to a lot of girls.

I could have challenge his feeling of invincibility. Men harass women because they can, full stop. So speak up! Most people, think they can protect their girls if they monitor the hours they go out at and who they are going with. This is not true. You protect girls when you talk about it, so speak up! all of you: mums, dads, grandfathers, grandmothers, brothers, sisters… and do not let it be a taboo.

Today I speak up on a daily basis. I do not shut up on controversial issues. I try to be there to every person I can. This can seem radical to some people. This can seem immature or idealist.

But I will tell you something: This is the right thing to do. Because you might not change the world but you change tiny parts. Or sometimes just shock. But even this shock makes some people think. And change attitude. And recognize the presence of other opinions. Sometimes it works and often not, but it is definitely worth it!

Submitted by pinkchiwawa

Location: at home, Beirut

Time of harassment: 16-20: Afternoon Rush Hour / العصر

Do you have a personal experience with sexual harassment or assault you would like to share? Please click here and fill out the online submission form. All submissions are posted anonymously unless you specify.

هل لديك تجربة شخصية مع التحرش الجنسي أو الاعتداء تريد مشاركته ؟ الرجاء الضغط هنا وملء استمارة التقديم على الانترنت. وتنشر جميع التقارير مجهول ما لم تحدده

“no wonder you’re sitting with 8 men on a saturday night, try a different strategy coz this one is clearly not getting you anywhere!”

I was walking past a restaurant/shisha place and i heard the usual “yiy yiy yiy shou hal sha’feh, yo’borne jamela” – it doesn’t sound too bad when you read it but you should have heard the tone of his voice and the extra sound effects!

i turned around and said “are you talking to me or are you saying things loud enough for me to hear them?” – and then there was silence. his friends all turned around and looked at him as he scrapped up his brain cells to come up with a clever answer.

He said something along the line of “i’m just admiring”, so i quickly replied “if this is admiration, no wonder you’re sitting with 8 men on a saturday night at a shisha place, try a different strategy coz this one is clearly not getting you anywhere, is it..”

I walked off at he mumbled things i could not and did not want to hear. I’ll think of some other stories as I’ve been a lot feistier since i turned 25 🙂

silence only reinforces such behavior, speak up girls and be wise with your words!

Submitted by pbk

Location:  between Sassine and Saydeh Church, Ashrafieh

Time of harassment: 16-20: Afternoon Rush Hour / العصر

Do you have a personal experience with sexual harassment or assault you would like to share? Please click here and fill out the online submission form. All submissions are posted anonymously unless you specify.

هل لديك تجربة شخصية مع التحرش الجنسي أو الاعتداء تريد مشاركته ؟ الرجاء الضغط هنا وملء استمارة التقديم على الانترنت. وتنشر جميع التقارير مجهول ما لم تحدده

“all I want to do is take the coals from your arguile and throw them in your eyes”

I hate them.

I hate them because they watch me, because they stare, because they snicker, because they giggle, because they make me uncomfortable, because they look, because they make me feel less than human, because they follow me, because they objectify me, because they whistle, because they don’t leave me alone, because they harass me,

because they don’t allow to me leave and enter my OWN BUILDING without feeling like a piece of meat who should be ashamed for coming home when it’s dark. And even when it’s light out, you make me feel like a disgusting piece of meat.

STOP LOOKING AT ME. STOP STARING. Leave me the fuck alone.

And all I can do is photograph you from above. The landlord doesn’t care, the boss at your restaurant doesn’t care, no one cares. And all I want to do is take the coals from your arguile and throw them in your eyes.

Submitted by RK

Location:  Manara

Time of harassment: 20-2: Night / الليل

Do you have a personal experience with sexual harassment or assault you would like to share? Please click here and fill out the online submission form. All submissions are posted anonymously unless you specify.

هل لديك تجربة شخصية مع التحرش الجنسي أو الاعتداء تريد مشاركته ؟ الرجاء الضغط هنا وملء استمارة التقديم على الانترنت. وتنشر جميع التقارير مجهول ما لم تحدده

Molested at the Cinema… “If we shut up others will suffer!”

I was 17 and went to the movies with some friends. At some point I felt some heat on my tights. Some hands were going up and down. Yiiiiiiiii!! I look at my right, and this super gross men was sitting there calmly, as if he owns this place. I got so mad! I shouted at him and called the staff of the movies and had him kicked out.

I then looked at the girls and the other side, and it turned out that he touched her the same way but did not have the guts to speak up. She did not know what to do. Again here I felt it so much, If we shut up others will suffer. Speaking up will stop harassment!!

Submitted by pinkchiwawa

Location:  Achrafieh

Time of harassment: 16-20: Afternoon Rush Hour / العصر

Do you have a personal experience with sexual harassment or assault you would like to share? Please click here and fill out the online submission form. All submissions are posted anonymously unless you specify.

هل لديك تجربة شخصية مع التحرش الجنسي أو الاعتداء تريد مشاركته ؟ الرجاء الضغط هنا وملء استمارة التقديم على الانترنت. وتنشر جميع التقارير مجهول ما لم تحدده