في قضية التحرش الجنسي في مدرسة عينطورة

“ربما كانت الصدفة، كما عبرت بعض وسائل الاعلام، هي خلف الكشف عن الجريمة البشعة التي اظهرت تعرض 11 تلميذة تتراوح اعمارهن بين السادسة والثامنة الى التحرش الجنسي من قبل احد الاساتذة في مدرسة عينطورة. تلك “الصدفة” لا بد ان تعلمنا انه ليس بامكاننا بعد اليوم الاختباء وراء اصابعنا والاستهتار بامن وسلامة الاطفال الصحية والنفسية.

من المؤكد ان هذه الجريمة لا تنحسر في مدرسة او مكان واحد، ولا شك ان الاطفال معرضون في كل لحظة الى هذا النوع وغيره من الانتهاك لاجسادهم وسلامتهم النفسية . فمن غير المقبول ان ننتظر الصدفة لتكشف لنا عن ما يحصل في اروقة المدارس، او البيوت.

اننا واذ ندين الجريمة البشعة التي حصلت في مدرسة عينطورة ندعو جميع الجهات المعنية الرسمية وغيرها الى التوقف والتفكير مليا بكيفية الحد من حدوث جرائم ومشابهة، واننا في الوقت نفسه ندين السياسات التربوية والاهمال في عدم ادراج التربية الجنسية في المناهج التعليمية. كما اننا ندعو الجميع الى اعادة النظر بالمنظومة الثقافية التي، والى حد كبير، تلوم الضحية وتصمها بالفضيحة والعار. فالتكتم المفروض اجتماعيا فيما يخص التحرش الجنسي او الاغتصاب يؤدي حتما الى تفاقمه وانتشاره، وبالتالي فان هذه العقلية هي شريك اساسي في الجريمة اذ انها بمثابة درع واق يحمي المجرم ويسمح له بالافلات من العقاب.

ونحن اذ نعبر عن تضامننا الكامل مع الاهالي والفتيات الشجاعات اللواتي كسرن جدار الصمت في مجتمع لن يرحمهن باسم الشرف والتستر عن الفضيحة، نأسف للمستوى المتدني وغير المهني وغير الاخلاقي الذي طالما عودتنا عليه قناة MTV والتي قامت عبر برنامج “انت حر” بالكشف عن هوية العائلات الذين قاموا بتقديم شكوى الى المدرسة من دون موافقة الاهالي. هذا وقد تعاطت المحطة “بموضوعية ” مستفزة ومبالغة وصلت الى حد التهكم على الاهالي لانهم لم يقوموا برفع دعوى على الجاني متنساية فظاعة ما قد يلحق بتلك العائلات نتيجة للضغط الاجتماعي والخوف من الوصمة. وفي الاطار نفسه نسال جو معلوف، مقدم البرنامج اذا كان المطلوب من الاهالي التساهل لان المسالة “لا تتعدى المداعبة والتصوير” والا فانهم يقومون بانتقام من المدرسة؟ . ونحن وبعد متابعة التغطية لهذا الملف نعتبر جو معلوف والطريقة التي تناول بها هذا الملف عبر: لومه للاهالي، كشف هوياتهم، والاستهتار بتناول موضوع التحرش الذي لا يصل الى حد الاغتصاب، وعدم اعتباره جريمة قائقة الخطورة مسؤول عن الترويج للقيم ذاتها التي تشجع على التحرش، الافلات من العقاب، التستر وبالتالي تفاقم الجريمة ونعتذر لاهالي الضحايا عن التلوث الاعلامي الذي تسبب فيه هذا البرنامج.

من جهة اخرى، وعلى الرغم من حساسية الموقف وبشاعة الجرم، إلا أننا نبدي تحفظنا أيضاً على عرض صورة المعتدي، بما في ذلك من تحريض على العنف، يذكّر بجريمة كترمايا البشعة، التي طالت الضحية والمتهم، واستنفرت المجتمع ضدها. إذ يمتلك المتهم الحق بمحاكمة عادلة، تظهر مدى أهليته النفسية والعقلية، وتنزل فيه العقاب المناسب، مع حفظ حقه بالخصوصية.. علماً أن التحريض على الإنتقام لا يحقق العدالة، لا للمتهم ولا للضحايا ولا للمجتمع.

وفي الختام نكرر تضامننا مع الاهالي واستعدادنا لتقديم كل ما يطلبونه من وسائل للدعم.”

من نسوية.

I’m 7 months pregnant and a soldier followed and harassed me?!

I was about 7 months pregnant, I was driving my car, and a guy driving next to me followed me after I made a right turn going towards downtown, he followed me till I arrived to the parking lot.

I parked my car and was walking towards the entrance of the parking lot, and there he was waiting for me in his car- I thought that now that he can see that I am pregnant he would leave me alone..

He said : “excuse me , can I talk to you?”

I said “no!”

So he said, “please give me your phone number”

so I just walked away, thinking” he was sick, can’t he see that I am pregnant?

And by the way he was wearing an army uniform with 2 stars .

Submitted by N/A

Location: Saida Downtown

Time of harassment:  10-16: Daytime / عز النهار

Do you have a personal experience with sexual harassment or assault you would like to share? Please click here and fill out the online submission form. All submissions are posted anonymously unless you specify.

هل لديك تجربة شخصية مع التحرش الجنسي أو الاعتداء تريد مشاركته ؟ الرجاء الضغط هنا

He sexually harassed a pregnant woman, but she attacked and took him to the police!

Was walking towards Dar in Clemenceau to meet a friend. Just next to the Wardieh Gas Station a guy walking towards me looked me into the eyes and told me “i want to you to breast-feed me, and i want to enjoy your lovely pussy”.

By the way I’m a 7month pregnant woman. I thought that this pregnancy would be a time off harassment but apparently its a forum for more creativity.

Naturally I decided to confront him, and told him, “What did you say?” with a raised voice since i wanted to embarrass him. Suddenly he started to run. I don’t know if its instinct or what I started to run after him and told him “Come back you!!”.

The other people on the street thought that he robbed me so they started running after him, especially a young 30yr old man, who was able to catch him. Then other guys gathered and told me what happened i told them what he said suddenly they started hitting him, slapping him on the face and pushing him around.

There was a blond muscular guy who really got so pissed off, and flipped on him telling him “you are an animal and a harasser!!”…. “Girls on the street are not to be talked to this way!!”.

Another guy with a black beard was shouting at him, “you are just like that asshole who harassed my sister and i wish everyone of your kind is swept away and locked”… it turned out to be quite a scene of people deflating previous experience.

What’s funny is that the blond guy didn’t settle for just this he dragged the harasser to the police officer on the cross section just next to Banque Du Liban! The police officer started to scold him and asked me “what do you want to do with him?”

What was funny was that all the time the harasser was denying he told me anything and was saying I’m crazy, so I told the officer I want him to confess in front of everyone that what he did is wrong & that unfortunately even if i took his number or dragged him to the police station there is nothing that can be done, so just humiliating him there was what can be done, or at least that is what I thought on the spot.

Harasser kept denying and said ” i wasn’t talking to her”, so one guy said “shu you were talking to the car to breast-feed you, or to me?” later on i knew that this guy apparently saw harasser talking to me and me suddenly turning and running after him.

The harasser kept denying, so I asked “why did you run, if you know that you didn’t do anything wrong? And if I am crazy?” then the police got really angry and started to tell me you can do with him whatever you want, he is an animal etc,, but I decided to not take anymore action since what was done was enough.

It was so nice afterwards, everyone was offering me water, and asking me that I should relax for the baby, shop owners were offering me sandwiches and chairs , it felt like this is really how a pregnant woman should be treated rather than being harassed by creeps!!!!!

Although I’m sure that harasser would surely think twice before talking to a woman again on the streets, and the “2tleh” that he got by total strangers would not be easily erased from his memory.

Submitted by S

Location: Clemenceau

Time of harassment:  10-16: Daytime / عز النهار

Do you have a personal experience with sexual harassment or assault you would like to share? Please click here and fill out the online submission form. All submissions are posted anonymously unless you specify.

هل لديك تجربة شخصية مع التحرش الجنسي أو الاعتداء تريد مشاركته ؟ الرجاء الضغط هنا

A stranger harassed me via mobile- and my friends blamed me!

I am writing this while anger eats me inside.

I feel that sexual harrassment is still a very sensitive subject that should be denounced more often, and I’d like to thank every group who denounces it with no fear. I knew how much women suffered about sexual harassment every day in a country where this kind of behavior is banalized and normalized, still I never truly and personally experienced this ugly feeling until last night.

I’m glad that what happened wasn’t a “live shock”, I know there are much worse cases (rape for example – and I hope one that one day I’ll be able to make a difference about it), but I still find it necessary for me to talk about it.

So it was 3 in the morning, and I was sleeping after a long day, when I suddenly receive a message via WhatsApp from a number I do not know. (70-017 169). It was a man talking to me (A man I do not know- I checked), and I quote : “hal soder yalli 3leyke chou raddou3, ana bmout bi bzezik w be7lam marmegh w farfik wejje bayneton”.

Not thinking straight at 3 in the morning, I started insulting him out of anger. A few minutes later, as a sign of courage and manliness, he sends me two pictures of his penis, claiming that “we’ve met a few times on the streets of Achrafieh and that it was perfectly normal for him to do so”.

Seeing how angry I was getting, he adds: “Ma bat7ebbe 7adan ywarjeeke hal no3 men el mashe3er?”. In other words : Why aren’t you prostrating yourself infront of my oh so very powerful arm. (“Adeeb”, as he calls it).

But what surprised and shook me even more was my friend’s reaction, who accused me of ‘giving my number to people I barely knew’, response that illustrates very well the sick-sexually frustrated/frustrating society we live in, where sexual harrassment follows you into your own house and in your sleep and where the first reaction you get after this kind of incident is: “giving your number to strangers is bad”, but a random guy harrassing you, sending pictures of his penis and sexually humiliating you is normal. I pity this kind of mentality, I find this revolting and non-acceptable.

Submitted by Anonymous

Location: Achrafieh

Time of harassment:   2-6: Late Night / ما بعد منتصف الليل

Do you have a personal experience with sexual harassment or assault you would like to share? Please click here and fill out the online submission form. All submissions are posted anonymously unless you specify.

هل لديك تجربة شخصية مع التحرش الجنسي أو الاعتداء تريد مشاركته ؟ الرجاء الضغط هنا

I stood up for myself after sexually violated by a pervert in a minivan and no one supported me!

I am 24 and have been harassed many times (one way or another) but this incident is really shocking. Here’s why:

As usual I finished my 2 hrs run at lebanese university (it’s close to my house and I feel comfortable running there, better than running on the street). When I existed the university and walked a small distance I noticed a guy (aged 17-18) following me. I took a van (small one #4) he followed me and sat next to me.

He tried to start a conversation with me but I clearly stated that am older than him and I dont want to talk to him! he then started to touch my thighs with his fingers:

so I told him:”shu 3am ta3mol!”

He said: “ma shi!”

I can’t remember what happened after but when he wanted to leave the van I stood so he could go down .. his put his hands on my back!!

so I was fed up w I shouted b al van” enta 23od! shu 3melet hal2?! ma fye tenzal! w b kel baradet a3sab bred: ma shi! ana kamalet w edam al kel: ween hatet edak?!

2ali: majnoni enti!

told him: enta al bala a5la2! w hal haki kelo edam al nas w edam al driver!

nezel howi w ma hada 2alo kelmi!!!!! I felt so defeated!! cuz I did what I had to do! although there were 2 men and a women and the van driver!! none of them said a single word!!!!! what a society we live in!! I feel so sorry to even be part of such a community

Submitted by Malak

Location: Hadi Nassrallah Boulevard

Time of harassment: 16-20: Afternoon Rush Hour / العصر

Do you have a personal experience with sexual harassment or assault you would like to share? Please click here and fill out the online submission form. All submissions are posted anonymously unless you specify.

هل لديك تجربة شخصية مع التحرش الجنسي أو الاعتداء تريد مشاركته ؟ الرجاء الضغط هنا

Yelled at an Asshole Harasser on Gemmayze: “girls like me are strong and not afraid to make a scene!”

Today like everyday, I was walking around waiting for the bus to go home. As I was waiting I heard a car honking, my first thought was maybe this was a taxi and he was honking to ask me where I’m going, but what I saw was a car with a while number plate, not red like taxis have!

A little voice in my head was asking me to unleash my fury while another said maybe he was asking for directions. I approached the car with confidence but also I was careful.

I asked the 40 year old man how I can help me, he told me to come in. Ahaaa, that was all I wanted to hear, that little nod he did that says “get in the car”, the way his hands removed an object placed by the driver’s seat were exactly the signs I was looking for, a reason to vent without feeling guilty!

I started yelling at him in Jemmayzé’s busy street, everybody heard and saw what I was doing. The man instantly blushed and apologized but I kept yelling at him and saying “girls aren’t toys for you to play with, they aren’t here to please, girls like me are strong and not afraid to make a scene!”

Damn it, I wish I was able to take a picture of him before he drove away, ashamed of himself…

To be honest, I’m starting not to mind being harassed by random guys for two reasons, the first is that I have a busy life, so I could use something to vent some of that build up pressure, and second because I know I can -and I will- stand up for myself, while other girls might not, so I stand up and show those guys that girls are raising their voices and refuse to be silent any longer!

Submitted by Res Light

Location: Gemmayze – Mar Mikhael

Time of harassment: 16-20: Afternoon Rush Hour / العصر

Do you have a personal experience with sexual harassment or assault you would like to share? Please click here and fill out the online submission form. All submissions are posted anonymously unless you specify.

هل لديك تجربة شخصية مع التحرش الجنسي أو الاعتداء تريد مشاركته ؟ الرجاء الضغط هنا

Harassed & Flashed in Sassine in Broad Daylight

This is the second time i post here, this is a sign that something is definitely wrong! no girl is safe.

Anyway there was this one time, where me and my friend(a girl) were walking back to my place from sassine square, we got to the alley after “Ogero” , so i felt that someone was following us, so i looked back just to make sure (it has become a reflex since my last accident where i almost got raped)…

There was this guy who looked like a hobo, and he had a really weird expression on his face, and that’s when i realized that he was actually masturbating behind us ! i just couldn’t believe my eyes!

i told my friend to run when i tell her to, So i turned back and started yelling at him and i went after him,and he ran away, so i turned back to my friend and screamed and told her to run !

and that’s how i escaped my second harassment ! jeez, is there no morals anymore in this country ? i just can’t trust anyone anymore, not even my own boyfriend sometimes !

Submitted by M.K.

Location: N/A

Time of harassment: 16-20: Afternoon Rush Hour / العصر

Do you have a personal experience with sexual harassment or assault you would like to share? Please click here and fill out the online submission form. All submissions are posted anonymously unless you specify.

هل لديك تجربة شخصية مع التحرش الجنسي أو الاعتداء تريد مشاركته ؟ الرجاء الضغط هنا

Nearly Assaulted by a Lying, Pervert Taxi while leaving City Mall

I was in Citymall hanging out with my friend and it was a bit late (around 11h30 pm). I called a taxi company I trust, and as he called me back I left the mall to take it. My friend checked with him and the driver confirmed that he was the cab I called.

As I was saying goodbye to my friend I noticed a pervert look in the driver’s eyes. As soon as he drove, he took the sea side road, it looked creepy, no lights and no cars.

The driver started to lower the speed and he started to go to the right and then back to the center of the road as if he was searching for the right spot to park. I was worried and scared for a moment as it seemed he was going to pull on the right side in a deserted road so I started to think of ways to run away.

I was lucky when this happened, I receive a phone call asking where I was as the taxi I called was still waiting for me in front of the mall.

Immediately I asked him to take me back to the mall and asked to which taxi company he works. I saw disappointment on his face.

Submitted by Anonymous

Location: City Mall, Dora, Beirut

Time of harassment:  20-2: Night / الليل

Do you have a personal experience with sexual harassment or assault you would like to share? Please click here and fill out the online submission form. All submissions are posted anonymously unless you specify.

هل لديك تجربة شخصية مع التحرش الجنسي أو الاعتداء تريد مشاركته ؟ الرجاء الضغط هنا

Sexually Harassed in the Service

I was young back then and didn’t know what to do. It happened with me twice the 1st time I was 15 in Zahle and the 2nd time I was 18 in Dbayeh. Both drivers made me sit in the front seat I don’t remember why, probably the back seats were taken. Both of them put their hands on my tight and kissed me on the cheek as I was getting out. Now that I think of what happened I get mad and I wish I did something about it.

Submitted by Anonymous

Location: Dbayeh & Zahle

Time of harassment:  10-16: Daytime / عز النهار

Do you have a personal experience with sexual harassment or assault you would like to share? Please click here and fill out the online submission form. All submissions are posted anonymously unless you specify.

هل لديك تجربة شخصية مع التحرش الجنسي أو الاعتداء تريد مشاركته ؟ الرجاء الضغط هنا

Confronting a Pervert on the Bus & “Cleaning Beirut streets from human-trash!”

I was sitting on the large bus seats alone until a young man in his 20’s came and sat next to me!

It was all fine until I felt his hand is moving, so I looked down and noticed he was masturbating. Knowing myself and my bad temper, I decided to stay quiet until he speaks to me (which I’m sure he will). then suddenly he asks me if I have a tissue paper, I said no and then asked him “bcharafak, don’t feel ashamed of doing this?”

He was shocked that I actually faced him and said something about it. He said why should he be ashamed, it’s something normal for a guy to do! Oh oh, he just made a huge mistake, he got into an argument with me!!

I told him since you don’t feel ashamed then why don’t you stand up and yell it out loud, yell it to all the people on the bus, say what you’re doing -and I said this in a loud voice, and noticed the people sitting in front of us and next to us were listening.

He started asking me to lower my voice, begging to stay quiet. hahaha this will teach him to mess with the wrong girl, JARASTO on the bus.

but this was not the end of our discussion, my bad temper and womanly pride did not allow me to shut up, instead I kept on demeaning him and showing him how stupid, immature he looks and that doing this does not make him a man!

I even dared him to do this in front if his own father, mother and sister, he was shocked to hear me even say that, especially that I doubted his “man-hood” by saying if you’re a real man, you’d do that in front of your parents, and not to strangers!

I enjoyed vending my anger on him but sadly I had to get out of the bus! ah well, another day and another adventure!

I guess it’s just another day at “Cleaning Beirut streets from human-trash!”

Submitted by Red Light

Location: Sassine

Time of harassment: 16-20: Afternoon Rush Hour / العصر

Do you have a personal experience with sexual harassment or assault you would like to share? Please click here and fill out the online submission form. All submissions are posted anonymously unless you specify.

هل لديك تجربة شخصية مع التحرش الجنسي أو الاعتداء تريد مشاركته ؟ الرجاء الضغط هنا